How to Become a Sapphire
Q: When are Sapphires Auditions?
A: The clinic is held the Monday through Wednesday the week before Thanksgiving break in November; auditions with judges are held that Thursday starting at 3:00 pm.
Q: Is there a parent meeting for auditions?
A: Yes, audition information will be covered in detail in October. See our website for a specific date.
Q: If my daughter makes the team, will she immediately be on the dance team?
A: All candidates who make the team are moved to the 3rd-period dance class and will train together for one semester before they are actually on the team. They are called “Dazzlers” for that semester. They will take one master class after school per week, and they will compete together as a group with an ensemble during the months of February and March. They are much like “Sapphires in Training.”
Q: If my daughter does not make the team, will her schedule change?
A: No, girls who are currently scheduled in 3rd period JV Spartanaires or another dance class period will not be moved if they do not make the team.
Q: How much do the Sapphires cost?
A: New members will pay $150.00 in December for master classes they will take in the spring. Beginning in January, they will begin making payments toward their supplies for the following school year. New member supplies typically total around $900.00.
Q: How competitive are the auditions for the dance team?
A: Auditions are somewhat competitive. Candidates should be able to show mastery of intermediate–advance level dance skills.
Q: Does my daughter have to have taken a studio class before this year?
A: Although studio experience is not required, it is helpful going into auditions because of the exposure to more difficult dance material.
Q: How many girls make the team?
A: The number of girls making the team varies every year. A score determines whether a candidate makes the team; therefore, candidates must meet the score criterion.
Q: How many girls audition in a group?
A: Candidates will audition in groups of 4. That may be altered to 3 or 5 depending on the number of students auditioning.
Q: Can freshmen try out for the varsity dance team?
A: Since we hold auditions for next year’s team in November, incoming freshmen are not eligible to participate. Instead, we encourage all incoming freshman and other SLHS students who aspire to become a Sapphire to join our JV Spartanaires Dance Team. This group is designed to help prepare students for Sapphire auditions . The majority of our current Sapphires have all been previous JV Spartanaire Dance Team members.
Q: How does my student become a JV Spartanaire Dance Team member?
A: Each student who wants to be a part of the JV team must submit an application and video, and sign up for this course during course selections in the Spring and their parent(s) must attend the JV informational meeting. All members must be in the JV dance class period. JV Spartanaires do meet at the beginning of August for a Line Camp before school starts and are required to pay for line camp and dance supplies that will be used throughout the year. Please be aware that there are additional costs that come with being a member of this team.
**The course number for incoming freshmen for JV Spartanaires is 7701.**