Sapphires Sponsors
Our sponsors are the lifeline of our organization! The contributions of our sponsors help us fund elements that lead to a successful organization such as costumes, choreography, supplies, and team building. Please support our sponsors by visiting their locations and using their services. When you do, please tell them you found them through the Seven Lakes Sapphires Dance Team!
Become a Sapphires Sponsor
Sapphire Sponsor
- Full page ads in Winter & Spring Show programs
- Your website link on Sapphires Sponsors page
- Instagram & Facebook “shout outs” throughout the year
- Up to 4 tickets to a SLHS varsity football game
- Sponsor of the Week announcement at football game
- Up to 6 complimentary Spring Show tickets w/reserved seating
- Sapphires polo shirt or plaque with team photo
- Sapphires coffee tumbler or baseball cap
- Sapphires t-shirt with sponsor logos on back
Platinum Sponsor
- Full page ads in Winter & Spring Show programs
- Your website link on Sapphires Sponsors page
- Instagram & Facebook “shout outs” throughout the year
- Up to 4 complimentary Spring Show tickets w/reserved seating
- Sapphires polo shirt or plaque with team photo
- Sapphires t-shirt with sponsor logos on back
Gold Sponsor
- Half page ads in Winter & Spring Show programs
- Your website link on Sapphires Sponsors page
- Instagram & Facebook promotion
- 2 Spring Show tickets w/Reserved Seating
- Sapphires t-shirt with sponsor logos on back
Silver Sponsor
- Company listing in Winter & Spring Show programs
- Company listing on Sapphires website
- Sapphires t-shirt with sponsor logos on back